Sonntag, 10. März 2013

It's still March...

Look what happened this weekend, it's the same city, the same month, just a few days later.
 Lots and lots of snow
 Lake in the park
 Dangerous fun but I didn't see anyone actually ending up in the lake
 Decorated tree
 Walking through the park
Looks like an enchanted forest, I felt a bit like being in Narnia

March in Hamburg

This month has been crazy so far, earlier this week it felt like spring, the sun was shining and we had nearly +15°C, since yesterday it's freezing again and we've had lots of snow. I hope it won't last too long, I can't wait for spring to come!

 Blue sky on Wednesday, this picture was taken at the Alster, a river that ends in a big lake in the centre of Hamburg
 People even sat outside without having to worry about the cold
 Looks like spring
 If the leaves on the trees weren't still missing it would even look like summer
 The first crocuses
The Alster again